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In simple terms a diet is what we eat and how much we eat however in order to remain healthy we require a balanced diet, which means that we need to include a variety of food in our diet which should include all the food groups namely adequate amounts vitamins and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and more than 90 % fat per day along with 8 to 10 glasses of water amounting to 8 ounces of water as our body is 65% water and the brain is 75% water therefore it is necessary to drink plenty of water to promote our health and the functions of the brain which also improves our memory by the proper intake of water.

Nutrients For A Balanced Diet:
1. Vitamins And Minerals: Those people taking in less than 1000 to 1200 calories per day should take a dietary supplement for vitamins and minerals.
2. Protein: Adequate protein is required for the body,it repairs body tissues as well as prevents the tissues from breaking in our body, in order to maintain that requirement one must have fish, eggs , beans nuts etc. included in two two to three portions of our meals. Women who are 25 years of age and above should take i at least 50 gms of protein per day and men who are 25 years of age and above shroud take in 63 to 65 gms of protein per day.
3. Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are necessary for the body to maintain a balance in the body fluid as well as to maintain a balance in the energy level, for which the intake of a 100 grams of carbohydrates is necessary daily, This requirement can be fulfilled with 6 servings of bread, cereal , pasta and rice.
4. Fiber: A daily intake of 20 to 30 grams of fiber is necessary for every individual,as it helps in the proper function of the bowels , certain foods that are rich in fiber are carrots , kidney beans, apple and pear , in fact eating all these food items in the course of a day will amount to the intake of 30 grams of fiber.
5. Calories: The minimum amount of calories that one requires on a daily basis is a 1000 to 1500 calories although the daily quantity is 2000 calories for women and 2500 calories for men as men have a requirement for an extra of 20 to 30 percent calories than the amount required for women . Nevertheless there are recommended guidelines for individuals depending upon their weight , activity level, height, age and also body composition, when the question of ” how much calories should one take?” arises.

6. Water: Two thirds of the human body weight consists of water, the lack of water in the body can cause short term memory loss , water is lubricant in the body, as well as it is a base for the saliva. Water creates a fluid in the body tat surrounds the joints, it regulates the metabolism and the body temperature, and also it is a good for those suffering from constipation as it helps to clear the excreta from the intestinal tract and it is the best detox agent .Thirst is not a good a indicator of dehydration therefore it is important to constantly replenish the body with water because a lot of people move around with dehydration without actually knowing it. Two thirds of the human body weight consists of water, the lack of water in the body can cause short term memory loss , water is lubricant in the body, as well as it is a base for the saliva. Water creates a fluid in the body tat surrounds the joints, it regulates the metabolism and the body temperature, and also it sis good for those suffering from constipation as it helps to clear the excreta from the intestinal tract and it is the best detox agent . The minimum requirement is 8 to 10 glasses of ware per day to ensure proper functioning of the body.