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Type Of Diet’s


Your Weight-loss diet needs to guarantee permanent weight loss, i.e., where the unwanted weight does not come back if you eat `normally’. A good diet should kickstart your metabolism and actually increase it. Eating every two hours is the secret to stable weight loss.

Any meal plan low on calories starves you and ensures that your body uses muscles for its daily functioning, which is detrimental to any long-term weight loss goal. Again, losing weight depends on the metabolism of a person and itmay vary from person to person.

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In simple terms a diet is what we eat and how much we eat however in order to remain healthy we require a balanced diet, which means that we need to include a variety of food in our diet which should include all the food groups namely adequate amounts vitamins and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and more than 90 % fat per day along with 8 to 10 glasses of water amounting to 8 ounces of water as our body is 65% water and the brain is 75% water therefore it is necessary to drink plenty of water to promote our health and the functions of the brain which also improves our memory by the proper intake of water.

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