Nourishing With
Healthy Food Choices

Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full

recovery and can be used with any treatment.

Remember, food is our best medicine!

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Monika Shah

My weight had crossed 90 kg, I took a lot of medicine and even consulted many doctors. I was facing a lots of health problems like high blood pressure thyroid and I was diagnosed as a pre diabetic. I did everything but there was no effect of all my attempts in reducing my weight. Then I came to know about Nidhi mam through just dial app. When I had a conversation with mam, I received a lot of motivation and inspiration. When I joined Nidhi mam’s weight-loss program. I had zero knowledge about healthy eating. I  followed Nidhi mam’s diet chart for 5 months and successfully lost 17KG of weight. I believe she is a great dietician and the most interesting part was that I never had to compromise the taste and quantity of food advised by her. Despite having good meals in sufficient quantity, I achieved this figure. I never had fruits in my life but her diet plans made me eat a lot of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. This effort of mine has brought a kind of glow on my face and made my skin fairer. Now my  BP and thyroid levels are normal. Thanks to mam for bringing such drastic change in me.